Sunday, December 13, 2009

Breakfast with Santa

Took the boys over to the hall to have breakfast with Santa. Glad the Kaufmanns were there, it was fun.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Hard work

So Jordan stayed up late last night helping me in the garage. We stripped the copper (169 lbs.), sawed some lumber (a first for him - handsaw), and discussed the deeper things in life like who would win in a fight: Captain Hook or Jack Sparrow. Hard work. BTW, Captain Hook for the win.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Ringling Bros. Circus

Jesse even got into it, it was that good. Can't wait to see what they come up with next year.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Knoebels was kfun

Jordan went on the Phoenix with me. Enough said...

Welcome to the lake, memories made here

Canoe ride. Jumping off the dock. Catching a fish to take home to Pipa to clean and eat. We can't thank you enough.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Jinkies Jesse!

Nursemaid's elbow. If you know what it is, you know why it scared the crap out of us since we didn't. Rain took him to the ER, and during x-rays they may have adjusted it just enough that it all settled back in as he started acting fine. You kids are gonna be the death of us.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Jordan's leg. No idea what it is and it showed up out of the blue.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Lamb Family Reunion

This year it was at the family's old property, Lamb's Creek [map]. Going over it's history and changes, taking our own little tours, and hanging out with the old folks - good time. Man-oh-man, Uncle Rod reminds me of Skeet. Wow.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 4th Party

What can I say, it was great as always. Now, if i could just figure out how to get a few thousand more fireworks into the mix. hehe...

Monday, June 29, 2009

Lucky Four

Happy Birthday, little man.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Jesse Allyn Lamb

Jesse was born on February 11, 2009 at 4:08am at Towanda Memorial Hospital. He was 9.4 pounds, 20 inches long, and his head was 14 inches around (ouch!). On Tuesday Lorraine had a doctor appointment that morning and was at 2cm. He must've gotten the ball rolling because at 1:00pm she started feeling contractions about 20 minutes apart but they didn't start getting closer until after 9:00pm. Around 11:30pm they were within 5 minutes and lasting almost a minute. I told her we were waiting until midnight because there was no way I was paying for an extra day! Yeah, I'm just kidding, but really I'm not. Or am I?

Anyway, we left the house around 12:15am Wednesday morning, were all checked in and changed by 1:00am and that's when the "hard labor", as I call it, started. The contractions were 2-4 minutes apart and causing her a lot of pain, especially when they made her roll around because Jesse was laying on his cord. Still at 2cm around 2:30am and then all of a sudden, 7cm within minutes. People were flying around the room, in and out, doing this and that. It looked like something straight out of ER. By 3:45am the nurse calls the doctor in because she's at 9.5cm. He says to give a push on the next contraction and then says, "Now she's at 10cm.".

At 4:08am Jesse popped out, I cut the cord as I did with Jordan, and we're off to the nursery to get cleaned up. The nurse says "Holy cow!" and tells me his stats with a "That's a big boy." after them. I go back into the room to start some action with an over/under of 2 ounces but no one bit. That's too bad, the doctor guessed 8.8 pounds, I would've made out nice on him! They were all surprised to hear how big he was though. Notice I didn't mention anything about "drugs"? All natural. It was too fast to take anything, which is another reason why Lorraine said "I don't remember this with Jordan." hehe.

He looks just like Jordan when he was that young. And since Jordan is starting to look more and more like me, Jesse's going to be one handsome man! At least we're consistent, eh? Since Lorraine was up and showered by 5:00am on Thursday and demonstrated she was recovering excellently, the doctor allowed us to go home that evening (though she was actually ready to go home Wednesday morning by 9:00am). Yep, in at 1:00am on Wednesday and out at 5:00pm on Thursday. 15 hours in labor with 3 hours of hard labor and only 40 hours in the hospital.

We're home now and trying to get acclimated all around. Jordan has been the best big brother and Mommy and Daddy helper you could ask for. He can't wait for him to get up so he can feed him, constantly likes to hold him and gets anything we need for him anytime we ask. He also says he's ready for him to get down and play Lincoln Logs, but he knows he's too small right now so he'll just put him in the back of his wagon and take him for a putt-putt ride...

Welcome to the world, little man. We have many things to show you.


Daddy, Mommy, and Jordan

Pictures at hospital
Pictures at home

Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl XLIII Party

It's all about the Steelers, baby! Go us!